Monday, December 3, 2012


The bible is filled with many wonderful stories of great men and women of God. Each story is filled with lessons that teach us how God wants us to respond to things perceived as obstacles, set backs, or as a hindrance.

Being faithful to God and his commandments is pleasing in the sight of our heavenly father especially when we are afflicted or something we perceive as bad, wrong, or evil is happening to us.

The Holy Scriptures is very clear about the heart when it states, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it?" It is easy to say what we will do when you look at an event from the outside looking in, but, when you are faced with the situation face to face, it is not so easy to do what you said you would do. It is at these hard times that we find out what is really in our heart and what lessons we need to learn.

Join us as we get into the word of God to get an understanding of how we are to deal with life threatening and wicked things that happen to us in the course of our daily lives. Joseph is our teacher tonight as we look at how he handled himself despite the things that happened to him. Learning from Joseph is a great thing to do. God is looking for us to remain faithful even when we did nothing to cause the circumstances we find our self in.